Grace oh grace how I need thee
I am a helpless sinner and need your hand to guide me
Pick me up and move me along
Lest I remain stuck and never move on
Help me, help me I am drowning in my shame
It's overcome me like a gigantic wave
Grace oh grace, extend your hand
I want to rise above and live in a brighter land
What else can save me, what else can help?
Only grace, only grace
Where can I go? Who can I turn to?
Only grace, only grace
Jesus is love. Jesus is grace.
He extends His hand to the entire human race
Open your hearts. Accept His gift while you can
Grace is always present. Let Christ place it in your hand
Unwrap the gift and open the box
In it you will find a new life unlocked
It will change your mind
It will change your spirit
New things will happen and you will hear it
You will hear the Spirit whisper
You will hear Him shout
You will begin to know what this new life is about
There is joy! There is peace!
There is a hope that will make you want to leap!
Choose grace! Choose grace!
You will never be the same!
Oh please! Oh please! Believe in Jesus' name.
He wants you near. He wants you now.
Move away from sin and no longer to it bow.
Accept grace! Accept grace!
It is crying out to you!
"Choose me!! Choose me!! You will have nothing to lose!"
This world will fool you, it will give you all it has to offer.
But nothing compares to the gift of grace.
It will cause you to run a different race.
A race with trials
A race with pain
Oh but you best believe none if it will be in vain
Grace will lead you down a different path
To a new life that will always last
"Keep this a secret, keep it quiet
"Lest many people may actually want to try it,"
Says the world dark and full of sin
Trying to bind others so they will never win
"Keep away from Christ for with Him you will surely lose!"
Yells the world full of lies and takes away the truths.
"Keep the slaves bound, keep them away from God.
"Don't let them find Him, keep them afar."
Commands the devil to his troops.
"Take up your armor and fight and strap up your boots.
"Wage war against grace! Wage war!
"Keep the slaves bound and let grace be the voice they ignore.
"Fight grace! Fight grace! At WHATEVER the cost!
"Just don't let them see it
"Or many will be lost!!
"To the kingdom of darkness
"To the kingdom of gloom
"Why lose them all to grace? I want them TO BE DOOMED!"
But there is an army that is made of light
It will not back down, it will fight
It is the Lord's army
His multitude of angels
Who are helping fight for souls
To keep them from danger
It is grace that will save
It is grace that will heal
It is grace that will not allow the devil to steal
A soul, a mind, a life that belongs to Christ
It will save, Oh surely, it will save
It will stop you and I from remaining a slave
To sin, to death, and to destruction
It will renew our lives and begin construction
Construction of a new temple
A temple of God
To bring light to the world, and shine brightly abroad
You will see. Yes! You will see
What Christ can do
With someone like you and me
But first you must take hold of grace
There is nothing in this world that can substitute it
Or take its place
It will renew you and cleanse you
And make you clean
It will transform you into a magnificent person
That, in your mind, you could never dream
Take hold of grace, it will give you life
Take hold grace, it is a command to save your life!
"How much longer must I yell?
"How much longer must I shout?"
Yells the grace this world must know about
We crucified Christ and our sins placed Him on the cross
But by His grace, not all was lost
For God had a plan
And grace was the key
Though He knew we would sin
He had a back up plan and saw grace would win
Over the souls that would choose Christ
But the others that rejected Him
Would lose their life
Their spiritual life that is
It will for eternity be lost
What a pity, so sad
Because Jesus paid it all on the cross
They only needed to accept the gift of grace
Through faith and believe in Jesus' name
That He is the one and only true Son of God
And He paid for our sins
He is the only way to heaven
He is the only way that wins
This world is deceitful
It does not want you to win
It does not want you to be an overcomer
It wants you to remain bound
And believe there is no war to fight
But in the end, it will kill you
Without even making a sound
Choose Christ and His grace
For He is always searching for a soul that is lost
He want you to be near
There is grace upon grace at the cross
So do not fear
I said there is grace upon grace at the cross
So do not fear
Oh there is much grace and much grace
So do not fear
Draw close to God now for the time is near
Where grace must at a certain point
Withdraw its hands
And give the people over
To a dark and distant foreign land
A land without grace and apart from Christ
No hope is there
Nor is there life
Choose grace now, to avoid this end
Until then, grace upon grace God will send
Grace upon grace God will send
Oh, grace upon grace God will send
To avoid this dark and gloomy end