Thank you Lord for being My Barrier
You have kept me from all evil
You have kept me from me
Thank you Lord for being My Barrier
For keeping me from traps, I could not even see
How grateful I am to have a protector like You
Who can see me through the all consuming flames of sin
And the lust within
My own heart
Without You I could never be who I truly desire to be
Which is someone like You who has a pure heart pure mind and pure spirit
Without You I would be dead
Dead in my own sin
Dead in my own trespasses
Without You, who would see me through
The all consuming sin and lust within my own heart?
You give me my identity
You give me strength
You give me value
It is only because of You, I now know I have something to offer
It is because of You, I have life
You guide me and give me direction
You give me purpose
You give me purpose
It is because of You, I have a reason to live
It is because of You, I have a reason to rejoice!
It is because of You, I am a winner! Victorious..standing high above
Every evil, every sin, every fear, every doubt, every lying voice
That desires to distinguish the flame of life You have given me
I will not back down
I will not give in
I will wage war against my sin
I will wage war by standing on Your Word
I will wage war by allowing You to fight my battles
When I am weak, that is when I am strong
Apart from You, I can do nothing
How can one win against wicked desires?
Wicked thoughts?
By trusting in Jesus
That is how You win
By praying to Jesus to fight the battles
You, in your own strength, cannot win
Can’t you see? This is a reason to rejoice!
Rejoice that it is not you who has to wage war
But your Heavenly Father! He fights on YOUR behalf!
But will you give the fight to Him? Or will you wage war against sin
In your own futile strength?
The moment you fight, you lose
Thank you Lord for being My Barrier
For being my strength
For showing me the key to fighting any battle
And winning any war
Is laying down my own sword
And trusting You to fight on my behalf
Thank You Lord for being My Barrier